Finally we’ve come to the day we’ve been anticipated, the beloved Virgin of Guadaupe. Ernesto and I got out early to the 7 am mass. We knew that one of host families, the Jimenez, would be down there and that they would be looking forward to carrrying an image of the Virgin back to their house.
The brass band struck up music, the church bells rang and firecrackers were set off to mark the end of mass. And we all set off up the hill and then down a steep narrow path to their house for a breakfast offered to the whole sommunity.
There was a period of 30 minutes for praying numerous rosaries and then some other solemn speeches in Mixe which I couldn’t understand. When the prayeres were over, strong and quick volunteers brought out tables and quickly set them up for breakfast. 200 or so people sat down and soon the food was brought out.
The CECAM brass band was on hand and sitting on a platform, playing well known tunes at dramatic moments in a choreographed way.
As we started to eat, a musical program began.
It was time for speeches and drinking the ceremonia drink, tepache. Tepache is made from slightly fermented pineapple and atole. Tepache is received and all people drink together. Just prior to drinking, a small amount is dribbled on the ground to give honor to the ancestors.
Ernesto and I were ready to take off and get some rest. Later we found a little comedor for lunch and rested until it was time for the rodeo.
At 3, we headed down the mountain towards the jaripeo grounds ( like fairgrounds for rodeo)
A big red truck pulled up carrying the bulls!
We watched the bull workers reacy the truck and the corral so that the bulls could be directed into the corral. The announcer did his best to fill the time with commentary and intermittently called on the band to play another tune. The stands filled up.
Now the tone of the announcer intesified and some prominent officials were called to the ring. After looking important for a few minutes they left and it was time to start brining the bulls out.
Sometimes things get a little dicey…. Or worse.
It was along day, and we walked up the mountain back into town and to our hotel.
All so interesting! You’ve packed a lot into one week. Greg
Yeah,I’m glad for a rest today